Competency Framework - Level 1

Account creation


Use Google or facebook login

The simplest way to create an account and login is by using facebook or google as you do not have to enter your user details or remember your password every time.

Go to and select Create an account.

On the next screen, click on google or facebook icons and follow the authentication steps. This is only done once and then you always click on the same method to login.

You can also create an account with MyPain by entering your username and password.

On the next screen, select your role whether you are using MyPain app as a person in pain or healthcare professional.

More information about creating a trial account.


Activate account and change password

If you have not used social media (google or facebook) for creating an account, you will receive an email with a link to activate your account with a username and temporary password.

Click on the activation link, which will take you to and enter your email and temporary password. You will be asked to change your password and login again with the new password.


Home screen - Dashboard and My Story

After creating an account and changing the password users are directed to the Home page which has a dashboard and My Story window.

They should be able to navigate and understand the functions and use of the dashboard and My Story demonstrating they can add a new story, text, pictures, video links and share it with the pain experts. They should be able to navigate back to the home screen.

Finding your way around (Navigation tools)

Access modules screen from footer menu

Access modules screen from footer menu



How to access modules from the footer menu.

Which modules can be accessed.

Different parts of modules - Objectives, videos, recap and tools.

The module status - Active, Add this + , Not ready and Done.

Access tools from footer menu and Modules

Access tools from footer menu and Modules


Be able to access tools from footer menu as well as the modules.

Understand the relevance of each tool and how to use it appropriately to solve problems related to day to day pain management.

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Expert Help

Understand how to access expert help from the Dashboard and from within the various tool options.

Be able to save and send a message by giving it an appropriate heading and text explanation, attach pictures and videos where needed.


Using core pain management tools


Compass - Problem and Solution

Access the Compass tool from within the Module and Tools in the footer menu.

Understand the difference between Module 1 compass (Problem part only) and Module 5 Compass (Problem and solution).

In module 1 Compass, understand and be able to explain a challenging situation (PROBLEM) and various thoughts emotions and behaviours in response to that situation.

In module 5 compass, find a solution to the problem using CBT tools to analyse and challenge the thoughts, and see if it leads to a change in emotions and automatic behaviours.



Able to access goals, modules and tools from the Footer menu.

Understand the importance of making SMART goals for pain management.

Able to define values, make SMART goals, identify any problems in pursuit of goals and make appropriate if-then plans (instant habits) to practice how to overcome those problems.



Use the pacing tool to plan how much time activities, movements or position the user can be in.

Access the pacing tool from the pacing module and tools in the footer menu.

Is able to enter the information needed.

  1. Select a goal made in module 3 or using the Goals tool.

  2. See if any activities, movements or positions the user needs to be in is difficult due to their pain.

  3. Measure for how long people can do activities or movements, or be in a certain position on mornings and evenings, on a good day and a bad day, and enter those values in the pacing app correctly.

  4. See the calculated values and make any changes if necessary.


Using other pain management tools



  1. Access the movement module

  2. Access the movement tool from Tools and the module

  3. Select an exercise to practice

  4. Make a goal (If necessary)

  5. Pace an exercise (If necessary)

  6. Move to the next module

  7. Understand how to ask for Expert Help



  1. Access the Sleep tool from Tools and within the module.

  2. Understand the objectives and complete the videos and recap for the sleep module

  3. Understand and Identify sleep disruptors as explained in the videos

  4. Select Sleep Hygiene techniques to practice

  5. Make a goal (If necessary)

  6. Pace an exercise (If necessary)

  7. Move to the next module

  8. Understand how to ask for Expert Help



  1. Access the relaxation module from the dashboard or the module.

  2. Understand the role of relaxation in pain management and complete the videos and recap sections.

  3. Select a relaxation exercise to practice (Abdominal breathing or Body scan)

  4. Make a goal (If necessary)

  5. Pace exercise (If necessary)

  6. Move to the next module

  7. Understand how to ask for Expert Help



Understand the basis of mindfulness practice for pain management and various situations where it can helpful.

How, when and where to do the mindfulness body scan appropriately.

Practice the mindfulness body scan and experience how it can benefit in managing thoughts, emotions and pain sensations.

Understand how to ask for expert help.

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Understand the challenges and importance of communicating pain.

Understand various types of communication styles.

Understand how to communicate effectively in different situations with different people at different times.


Flare up

Understand when and how to use the flare-up checklist.

Access the flare-up checklist from the Dashboard, modules or tools in the footer menu.

Be able to explain the use of Diagnosing a Flare-up part of the tool.

Be able to record the feedback on various strategies in the managing flare-up part of the checklist.

Understand how to ask for Expert Help.


Using data

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  1. Understand the purpose of various questionnaires in recording the impact of pain.

  2. Understand how to access the various forms from Home > Dashboard.

  3. Understand how frequently to record a response.

  4. Understand how to Submit forms.

  5. Explaining the importance of recording regular outcomes.

  6. Analyse various form responses and use them to define goals and revise treatment if necessary.

  7. Start with BPI and PSEQ for mild to moderate pain dysfunction.

  8. Include PCS (if catastrophization suspected) and PDI (if significant disability suspected).

  9. Add PGIC from first follow up.

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Understand how to access form reports (for individual forms).

Read form responses (from history by selecting the date).

Be able to read and explain the trends.

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Understand how to access help the section from the footer menu for common questions related to the use of the web app and pain management.

Be able to find contact details for the clinician to access help from the clinician profile in the Dashboard.

Contact MyPain for any software related issues by :

email -

Phone - 07747429753

Contact form -